HCC Membership Track Podcast
HCC Membership Track Podcast
THEN GO HERE: Prelude - Mission, Vision, Values
  • MISSION: Advancing the Kingdom by living for God and loving People
    • Jesus’ preached the Kingdom is near, prayed for God’s will on earth as it is in heaven
    • We don’t just live like “someday is coming” we want to bring “someday” to wherever we are going
      • Means practicing a relationship with Jesus – triggering your brain to think about Him during the day.
      • Taking prayer beyond a honey do list for God and instead asking God what He wants you to do
      • Making a commitment to be around other Christians in church and connection groups so you can learn and grow with others as well as challenge them to grow
  • VISION: Our church has 3 things we are always working towards
    • We want to be involved with churches that plant churches – we are currently mainly doing this through missions but have dreams of one day planting out our own daughter churches
    • We want to be involved in creating innovative ways of engaging people with the gospel around sports
    • We want to help spur on people to create stories of impact for the Kingdom
  • VALUES: these guide the way we do what we do
    • We Stand with Each other for the Mission
    • We put people above process
    • We are real people having a really good time (Non-stuffy)
    • We are Shockingly Generous
    • We are a Church of Second Chances (we lead with Grace)